دراسة تأتير بودرة حجر البازلت على خواص الخرسانة
مقال في مؤتمر علمي


􀊙 أح 􀊧 وف أن م 􀊛 ع􀊺 ال 􀊧 اء، وم 􀊻􀊰 وال 􀊙􀊽􀊽􀊷􀊱 سة ال 􀊙􀊻 ال ه 􀊳 ة في م 􀊺 ه􀊺 م ال 􀊨 العل 􀊧 ة م 􀥽 سان 􀊛􀊵 الإضافات ال 􀊛􀊰􀊱 تع

سعى 􀊙 ل عام ، ولق 􀈞􀊷􀇼 ة 􀥽 سان 􀊛􀊵 آت ال 􀊷􀊻􀊺 في لل 􀥽􀊣􀊨 ال 􀊛􀊺 ة للع 􀥽􀊰􀊶􀊻 ادة ال 􀈄􀊜 ت الإضافات ال 􀊜ا 􀊽􀊺 م

ة، مع 􀥽􀉻􀥽􀊰􀊢 ارد ال 􀊨􀊺 لى لل 􀊲 ار م 􀊺􀊲􀊱 ق إس 􀊛􀊡 ل إلى 􀊨 ص􀊨 ول لل 􀊙 ال 􀊦􀊤 في مع 􀊙􀊽􀊽􀊷􀊱 اع ال 􀊢 ن في ق 􀊨􀊽 اص 􀊸􀊱 الإخ

فادة 􀊱 ورة الاس 􀊛 ار إلى ض 􀊤 ه الأن 􀥽 ج􀊨 ا ت 􀊻 حاول 􀊘􀊴􀥼 ا ال 􀊚 الات، و في ه 􀊳􀊺 ى ال 􀊱 ي الهائل في ش 􀊻 ق􀊱 ر ال 􀊨􀊢􀊱 ال

اء 􀊨 مها س 􀊙 ي تق 􀊱 ة ال 􀊙 ي􀊙 ا الع 􀇽􀊜ا 􀊺 ات وال 􀥽 ان 􀈞 للإم 􀊛ا 􀊤 ل، ن 􀊲 ل الأم 􀈞􀊷 ال 􀇼 ارها 􀊺􀊲􀊱 اولة إس 􀊴 ة وم 􀥽􀉻􀥽􀊰􀊢 ارد ال 􀊨􀊺 ال 􀊧 م

ة. 􀥽􀊯􀊽􀊰 ة أو ال 􀇽 اد 􀊸􀊱 الإق

درة 􀊨 ة ب 􀊯􀊽 جه على ه 􀊛 ه لإخ ا 􀊻􀊴􀊡 􀊦 ت 􀈑􀊚 ال 􀊗 ازل 􀥼 ال 􀊛􀊳 ام إضافة مادة ح 􀊙􀊵􀊱 إس 􀈐􀊙 اول م 􀊻􀊱 ا رسة ت 􀊙 ه ال 􀊚 ه

على 􀊙 اع 􀊶 ادر لا ت 􀊸􀊺 ه ال 􀊚 ل ه 􀊲􀊺 ام ل 􀊙􀊵􀊱 إن إعادة الإس 􀊘􀊽 ل ، ح 􀊽 قل 􀇼 أو أقل 􀊗􀊻􀊺 مة الاس 􀊨 رجة نع 􀊙 ة ب 􀊺 ناع

ة 􀥽 اد الأول 􀊨􀊺 ة ال 􀥼􀊶 ال ن 􀊙􀊰􀊱 ها في إس 􀊻 فادة م 􀊱 الإس 􀈐􀊙 ا في م 􀊹􀇽 ، و أ 􀊖􀊶􀊴 ة ف 􀥽􀉻􀥽􀊰􀊢 ارد ال 􀊨􀊺 ال 􀈍 حفا

د رة إلى 􀊨 ل ب 􀈞 ن على ش 􀊨􀊴􀊢􀊺 ال 􀊗 ازل 􀥼 ل ال 􀊙􀊰􀊱 اس 􀈑 ة. أ 􀇽 ة العاد 􀇽􀊙 رتلان 􀊨􀊰 ة ال 􀥽􀊱􀊻􀊺 سانة الإس 􀊛􀊵 مة في ال 􀊙􀊵􀊱􀊶􀊺 ال

􀊦􀥽􀊽 تق 􀊦 ت 􀊘􀊽 ون إضافات، ح 􀊙 ة ب 􀥽􀉻 ج􀊛􀊺 ة ال 􀊢 ل􀊵 ال 􀇼 ائج 􀊱􀊻 ومقارنة ال 􀊗􀊻􀊺 ة الاس 􀥼􀊶 ن 􀊧 ه 15 % م 􀊱􀊰􀊶 ل ن 􀊸􀇽 ما

ة 􀥽 ل قابل 􀊺􀊷 ي ت 􀊱 ة وال 􀥽 ل􀊺 ع􀊺 ا ا رت ال 􀥼􀊱 الاخ 􀊧 د م 􀊙 ء ع 􀊛 إج ا 􀇼 ة 􀇽 سانة العاد 􀊛􀊵 ال 􀈌􀥽 خل 􀊟 ائ 􀊸 ائل على خ 􀊙􀊰 ه ال 􀊚 ه

رة 􀊛ا 􀊴 درجة ال 􀊛􀊽 ار) وتأث 􀊢􀊷 (الان 􀊛 اش 􀥼􀊺 ال 􀊛􀊽 غ 􀊙􀊷 ة ال 􀊨 ، ق 􀈌 غ􀊹 ة ال 􀊨 اص، ق 􀊸􀊱 ة الام 􀥼􀊶 ل، ن 􀊽 غ􀊷􀊱 ال

اح 􀊳􀊻 امها ب 􀊙􀊵􀊱 ة إعادة اس 􀥽 ان 􀈞 م􀈂 ات و 􀇽 فا 􀊻 ال 􀊧 ع م 􀊨􀊻 ا ال 􀊚 ه 􀊧 فادة م 􀊱 الاس 􀈐􀊙 ة و م 􀇽􀊙􀊳 ائج م 􀊱􀊻 ل ل 􀊨 ص􀊨 ولل

. 􀊗􀊻􀊺 الاس 􀇼 ها مقارنة 􀊱 لف 􀘔 لقلة ت 􀊥 ة و ذل 􀥽 سان 􀊛􀊵 ات ال 􀊢 ل􀊵 في ال 􀊗􀊻􀊺 ئي للإس 􀊜 يل ج 􀊙􀊰 ك

رجة 􀊙 ضها ل 􀊛 تع 􀊙 ع􀈃 ل و 􀊰 ق 􀈌 غ􀊹 ى 15 % ا زدت مقاومة ال 􀊱 ة الإحلال ح 􀥼􀊶 ا ا زدت ن 􀊺 ل􀘗 أنه 􀊘􀊴􀥼 ال 􀊜 ج􀊨 و ي

اء. 􀊺 اص لل 􀊸􀊱 ة إم 􀥼􀊶 وأقل ن 􀊛 اش 􀥼 م 􀊛􀊽 غ 􀊙 أعلى مقاومة ش 􀊥 ل􀊚􀘗 ة، و 􀈄􀊨􀊯 ل 100 درجة م 􀊸 رة ت 􀊛

خالد محمد عمرو أمحمد، (12-2020)، جامعة النجم الساطع - المؤتمر الدولي السادس - حالة الخريطة: جامعة النجم الساطع، 1-10

Pedestrian Gap Acceptance and Crossing Decision outside Crossing Facilities along Urban Streets in Malaysia: A Case Study of Rughaya Street, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Journal Article


Walking considered as one of the safest modes of

travel available, sustainable to human society as well as

environmentally beneficial. In this context, the aim of this

research is to investigate pedestrians’ traffic gap acceptance

and crossing decision for Mid-block Street crossing in urban

areas in Malaysia. Pedestrian crossing behaviour at

Rughaya Street has been examined in terms of the decision

to cross or not the street and size of traffic gaps accepted by

pedestrian, as well as the related contributing factors. A

field study was conducted to collect the data of pedestrians’

decisions under real mix traffic Condition using video

camera on a typical unsignalized urban street section. JPEG

files were obtained from video recording by using Snapshot

Wizard software. The data extracted included traffic

characteristics such as traffic size, traffic speed, etc.

pedestrian individual characteristics such as gender, in

addition to individual behavior such as waiting, frequency

of attempt, etc.). Furthermore, The extracted data were

used to develop and examine a pedestrian gap acceptance

model based on A lognormal regression model and binary

logistic model by SPSS (22) in order to validate the impact

of various parameters on the size of traffic gaps accepted by

pedestrians as well as the effect on the decision of

pedestrians to cross the street or not. So that the effect of

the gap accepted available and of other factors on the

decision of pedestrians to cross the street or not is examined.

These results indicate that the data set for this particular

location has a majority of male pedestrians which were

insignificant variables in both models moreover a lognormal

regression results shows that accepted gaps size depend on

traffic size, crossing distance, speed of approaching vehicle

and time spent by pedestrian at the curb waiting for a

suitable gap size to start crossing. The BL model performs

well for the reason that it captures the pedestrian decision

making process with traffic taking the relevant attributes

into consideration. According to the coefficients of BL

regression analysis equation we noticed that the illegal

parking, traffic size, traffic waiting time and gap size are the

vital attributes for the Pedestrian gap acceptance model..

Index Terms: Pedestrian crossing, gap acceptance, crossing

decision, multiple linear regression, binary logistic


Issam Omran m.f alajnaf, Moftah Masoud Almadani, Khaled Mohammad A Emhamed, (12-2016), ماليزيا: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 1 (3), 18-22

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